Apr 13, 2023 | updated May 31, 2024 How to generate code with Bazel Multi-step builds with code generation. Genrule + cat and Golang.
Jan 03, 2023 | updated Jan 03, 2023 gRPC: Predictable Go Interfaces Look into generated files
Feb 03, 2022 | updated Feb 11, 2022 Build tool requirements Some thoughts about the perfect build world.
Oct 03, 2021 | updated Jul 06, 2023 Envoy as an API Gateway The story is about building a gRPC microservices with Bazel, deploying it into the k8s cluster, and enabling RESTful API with Envoy.
Sep 05, 2021 | updated Feb 16, 2022 Go With Bazel How to build Go projects.
Jan 25, 2021 | updated May 31, 2024 Ragel: state machine compiler Really fast way to build really fast parser with Golang.
Jun 28, 2020 | updated Jun 08, 2023 Dependency Injection: Google Wire How to generate initialization chain for your application.
Mar 30, 2020 | updated Feb 09, 2023 Spotify on FreeBSD Setting up terminal Spotify application: spotifyd + spotify-tui
Dec 22, 2019 | updated Feb 11, 2022 gRPC API, part 2: Business Logic Layered application with some logic.
Nov 10, 2019 | updated Feb 11, 2022 gRPC API: Easy start Building simplest gRPC service.